20 years of Steve Winter and the Dorileo family

Fiao guided @stevewinterphoto SteveWinter – National Geographic around 20 years ago when Steve Winter visited the Pantanal for the first time to document the jaguar. Fiao had a special method to find the jaguar for Steve Winter using this bucket to call the jaguar. It was the first NatGeo story on jaguars pusblished.

Second generation of local guides

Fiao passed his knowledge about the Pantanal and jaguars on to his nephew Fabricio Dorileo who is a second generation of local passionate guides in the Pantanal. His family are in the Pantanal for over 2 centuries and are wellknown in the area for there conservation efforts and knowledge on jaguars.

Fabricio Dorileo has amazing knowledge on jaguars and is been guiding for more than 13 years, including for many broadcasting agencies (Natgeo, BBC, NHK Tokio) to document the jaguar and offers specialized pantanal jaguar tours for both individuals and groups.

In 2016 Steve Winter visited the Pantanal again, this time together with Bertie Gregory to document the jaguar in both photo- and video. Fabricio Dorileo guided them for 50 days to provide them with many amazing jaguar sightings and possibilities to document unique jaguar behaviour.

20 years ago while working on the first ever Jaguar story for National Geographic Magazine I worked with Fiao who was the ranger for Pantanal National Park and Fabricio’s uncle. Now I came back to do the next NGM story and a TV show for NG Wild – who do I work with – The Man – Fabricio – 100% local Pantanero’s!! I always say in my big cat talks for NG Live – that local people need to benefit from living with Predators – so hire local operators – you cannot go wrong with Pantanal Safaris! He always got me the best shot and knew how to maneuver thru the boats as everyone knows him and his family’s legacy in the area. Thanks so much Fabricio!!

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